Source code for dgitcore.contrib.validators.metadata_validator

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, sys, glob2
from collections import OrderedDict
from dgitcore.plugins.validator import ValidatorBase
from dgitcore.config import get_config
from dgitcore.helper import compute_sha256, cd

[docs]class MetadataValidator(ValidatorBase): """ Validate repository metdata Parameters ---------- """ def __init__(self): self.enable = 'y' super(MetadataValidator, self).__init__('metadata-validator', 'v0', "Validate integrity of the dataset metadata")
[docs] def config(self, what='get', params=None): if what == 'get': return { 'name': 'metadata-validator', 'nature': 'validator', 'variables': ['enable'], 'defaults': { 'enable': { 'value': "y", "description": "Enable repository metadata integrity check" }, } } else: if (('metadata-validator' in params) and 'enable' in params['metadata-validator']): self.enable = params['metadata-validator']['enable'] else: self.enable = 'y'
[docs] def autooptions(self): return OrderedDict([ ("files",["*"]) ])
[docs] def evaluate(self, repo, spec, args): """ Check the integrity of the datapackage.json """ status = [] with cd(repo.rootdir): files = spec.get('files', ['*']) resource_files = repo.find_matching_files(files) files = glob2.glob("**/*") disk_files = [f for f in files if os.path.isfile(f) and f != "datapackage.json"] allfiles = list(set(resource_files + disk_files)) allfiles.sort() for f in allfiles: if f in resource_files and f in disk_files: r = repo.get_resource(f) coded_sha256 = r['sha256'] computed_sha256 = compute_sha256(f) if computed_sha256 != coded_sha256: status.append({ 'target': f, 'rules': "", 'validator':, 'description': self.description, 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': "Mismatch in checksum on disk and in datapackage.json" }) else: status.append({ 'target': f, 'rules': "", 'validator':, 'description': self.description, 'status': 'OK', 'message': "" }) elif f in resource_files: status.append({ 'target': f, 'rules': "", 'validator':, 'description': self.description, 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': "In datapackage.json but not in repo" }) else: status.append({ 'target': f, 'rules': "", 'validator':, 'description': self.description, 'status': 'ERROR', 'message': "In repo but not in datapackage.json" }) return status
def setup(mgr): obj = MetadataValidator() mgr.register('validator', obj)