Source code for dgitcore.contrib.repomanagers.gitmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python
GitManager provides the high level interface to git command line

GitManager does not have independent variables but it inherits attributes from 'Local' backend and 'User' definition

* workspace: (from Local) Directory used by gitmanager to store dataset repositories
* username: (from User) Name of the user
* email: (from User) Email of the user

import os, sys, json, subprocess, re, json
import pipes, collections
import shutil
from sh import git
from dgitcore.plugins.repomanager import RepoManagerBase, Repo
from dgitcore.helper import cd
from dgitcore.exceptions import *

[docs]class GitRepoManager(RepoManagerBase): """ Git-based versioning service. This implements the RepoManagerBase class. """ def __init__(self): self.username = None self.workspace = None self.metadatadir = '.git' self.repos = {} self.enable = True super(GitRepoManager, self).__init__('git', 'v0', "Git-based Repository Manager") # => Helper functions def _run(self, cmd): """ Helper function to run commands Parameters ---------- cmd : list Arguments to git command """ # This is here in case the .gitconfig is not accessible for # some reason. environ = os.environ.copy() environ['GIT_COMMITTER_NAME'] = self.fullname environ['GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL'] = environ['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'] = self.fullname environ['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'] = cmd = [pipes.quote(c) for c in cmd] cmd = " ".join(['/usr/bin/git'] + cmd) cmd += "; exit 0" #print("Running cmd", cmd) try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, env=environ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output output = output.decode('utf-8') output = output.strip() # print("Output of command", output) return output def _run_generic_command(self, repo, cmd): """ Run a generic command within the repo. Assumes that you are in the repo's root directory """ result = None with cd(repo.rootdir): # Dont use sh. It is not collecting the stdout of all # child processes. output = self._run(cmd) try: result = { 'cmd': cmd, 'status': 'success', 'message': output, } except Exception as e: result = { 'cmd': cmd, 'status': 'error', 'message': str(e) } return result # => Simple commands ...
[docs] def notes(self, repo, args=[]): """ Add notes to the commit Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: notes-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["notes"] + args)
# => Simple commands ...
[docs] def push(self, repo, args=[]): """ Push to origin master Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["push"] + args)
# => Simple commands ...
[docs] def remote(self, repo, args=[]): """ Check remote URL Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["remote"] + args)
# => Simple commands ...
[docs] def pull(self, repo, args=[]): """ Pull from origin/filesystem based master Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["pull"] + args)
[docs] def status(self, repo, args=[]): """ Show status of the repo (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["status"] + args)
[docs] def stash(self, repo, args=[]): """ Stash all the changes (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["stash"] + args)
[docs] def diff(self, repo, args=[]): """ diff two repo versions (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["diff"] + args)
[docs] def log(self, repo, args=[]): """ Show the log (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["log"] + args)
[docs] def commit(self, repo, args=[]): """ Commit the changes to the repo (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["commit"] + args)
[docs] def show(self, repo, args=[]): """ Show the content of the repo (pass thru git command) Parameters ---------- repo: Repository object args: git-specific args """ return self._run_generic_command(repo, ["show"] + args)
# => Run more complex functions to initialize, cleanup
[docs] def init(self, username, reponame, force, backend=None): """ Initialize a Git repo Parameters ---------- username, reponame : Repo name is tuple (name, reponame) force: force initialization of the repo even if exists backend: backend that must be used for this (e.g. s3) """ key = self.key(username, reponame) # In local filesystem-based server, add a repo server_repodir = self.server_rootdir(username, reponame, create=False) # Force cleanup if needed if os.path.exists(server_repodir) and not force: raise RepositoryExists() if os.path.exists(server_repodir): shutil.rmtree(server_repodir) os.makedirs(server_repodir) # Initialize the repo with cd(server_repodir): git.init(".", "--bare") if backend is not None: backend.init_repo(server_repodir) # Now clone the filesystem-based repo repodir = self.rootdir(username, reponame, create=False) # Prepare it if needed if os.path.exists(repodir) and not force: raise Exception("Local repo already exists") if os.path.exists(repodir): shutil.rmtree(repodir) os.makedirs(repodir) # Now clone... with cd(os.path.dirname(repodir)): git.clone(server_repodir, '--no-hardlinks') url = server_repodir if backend is not None: url = backend.url(username, reponame) repo = Repo(username, reponame) repo.manager = self repo.remoteurl = url repo.rootdir = self.rootdir(username, reponame) self.add(repo) return repo
[docs] def clone(self, url, backend=None): """ Clone a URL Parameters ---------- url : URL of the repo. Supports s3://, git@, http:// """ # s3://bucket/git/username/repo.git username = self.username reponame = url.split("/")[-1] # with git reponame = reponame.replace(".git","") key = (username, reponame) # In local filesystem-based server, add a repo server_repodir = self.server_rootdir(username, reponame, create=False) rootdir = self.rootdir(username, reponame, create=False) if backend is None: # Backend is standard git repo (https://, git@...) with cd(os.path.dirname(rootdir)): self._run(['clone', '--no-hardlinks', url]) else: # Backend is s3 # Sync if needed. if not os.path.exists(server_repodir): # s3 -> .dgit/git/pingali/hello.git -> .dgit/datasets/pingali/hello backend.clone_repo(url, server_repodir) # After sync clone, with cd(os.path.dirname(rootdir)): self._run(['clone', '--no-hardlinks', server_repodir]) # Insert the notes push if True: configfile = os.path.join(rootdir, '.git', 'config') content = open(configfile).read() original = "fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" replacement ="""fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*\n fetch = +refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*""" if "notes" not in content: content = content.replace(original, replacement) with open(configfile, 'w') as fd: fd.write(content) # Pull the notes if any as well.. with cd(rootdir): self._run(['pull','origin']) # Insert the object into the internal table we maintain... r = Repo(username, reponame) r.rootdir = rootdir r.remoteurl = url r.manager = self package = os.path.join(r.rootdir, 'datapackage.json') packagedata = open(package).read() r.package = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(packagedata) return self.add(r)
[docs] def delete(self, repo, args=[]): """ Delete files from the repo """ result = None with cd(repo.rootdir): try: cmd = ['rm'] + list(args) result = { 'status': 'success', 'message': self._run(cmd) } except Exception as e: result = { 'status': 'error', 'message': str(e) } # print(result) return result
[docs] def drop(self, repo, args=[]): """ Cleanup the repo """ # Clean up the rootdir rootdir = repo.rootdir print("Cleaning repo directory: {}".format(rootdir)) if os.path.exists(rootdir): shutil.rmtree(rootdir) # Cleanup the local version of the repo (this could be on # the server etc. server_repodir = self.server_rootdir_from_repo(repo, create=False) if os.path.exists(server_repodir): print("Cleaning data from local git 'server': {}".format(server_repodir)) shutil.rmtree(server_repodir) super(GitRepoManager, self).drop(repo) return { 'status': 'success', 'message': "successful cleanup" }
[docs] def add_raw(self, repo, files): result = None with cd(repo.rootdir): try: result = self._run(["add"] + files) except: pass
[docs] def add_files(self, repo, files): """ Add files to the repo """ rootdir = repo.rootdir for f in files: relativepath = f['relativepath'] sourcepath = f['localfullpath'] if sourcepath is None: # This can happen if the relative path is a URL continue # # Prepare the target path targetpath = os.path.join(rootdir, relativepath) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(targetpath)) except: pass # print(sourcepath," => ", targetpath) print("Updating: {}".format(relativepath)) shutil.copyfile(sourcepath, targetpath) with cd(repo.rootdir): self._run(['add', relativepath])
[docs] def config(self, what='get', params=None): """ Paramers: --------- workspace: Directory to store the dataset repositories email: """ if what == 'get': return { 'name': 'git', 'nature': 'repomanager', 'variables': [], } elif what == 'set': self.workspace = params['Local']['workspace'] self.workspace = os.path.abspath(self.workspace) self.username = params['User'][''] self.fullname = params['User']['user.fullname'] = params['User'][''] repodir = os.path.join(self.workspace, 'datasets') if not os.path.exists(repodir): return for username in os.listdir(repodir): for reponame in os.listdir(os.path.join(repodir, username)): if self.is_my_repo(username, reponame): r = Repo(username, reponame) r.rootdir = os.path.join(repodir, username, reponame) package = os.path.join(r.rootdir, 'datapackage.json') if not os.path.exists(package): print("datapackage.json does not exist in dataset") print("Skipping: {}/{}".format(username, reponame)) continue packagedata = open(package).read() r.package = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(packagedata) r.manager = self self.add(r)
def setup(mgr): obj = GitRepoManager() mgr.register('repomanager', obj)