Source code for dgitcore.contrib.backends.s3

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Implements the s3-based storage service for the repositories. Uses a
command line tool such as aws cli and s3cmd instead of boto3 library
for simplicity.

[S3] section:

* enable: Enable this storage service
* client: s3cmd or aws cli
* s3cfg: Optional configuration file to be specified is s3cmd is the client
* bucket: s3 bucket to store the repositories
* prefix: Prefix within the bucket

import os, sys, stat, subprocess
import boto3
import getpass
from dgitcore.plugins.backend import BackendBase
from dgitcore.config import get_config, ChoiceValidator, NonEmptyValidator
from dgitcore.helper import cd


repo=$(basename "$PWD")
username=$(basename $(dirname "$PWD"))

if [ "$CMD" == "aws" ]; then
    aws s3 sync --delete ./ s3://%(bucket)s/%(prefix)s/$username/$repo/
elif [ "$CMD" == "aws" ]; then
    s3cmd -c /home/pingali/.s3cfg sync --delete ./ s3://%(bucket)s/%(prefix)s/$username/$repo/

[docs]class S3Backend(BackendBase): """ S3 backend for the datasets. Parameters ---------- Configuration (s3 enable,access, secret, bucket, prefix) """ def __init__(self): self.enable = False self.client = None self.s3cfg = None self.bucket = None self.prefix = None super(S3Backend,self).__init__('s3', 'v0', "S3 backend")
[docs] def url(self, username, reponame): return "s3://%(bucket)s/%(prefix)s/%(username)s/%(reponame)s.git" % { 'bucket': self.bucket, 'prefix': self.prefix, 'username': username, 'reponame': reponame }
[docs] def run(self, cmd): cmd = " ".join(cmd) output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) output = output.decode('utf-8') return output
[docs] def config(self, what='get', params=None): if what == 'get': return { 'name': 'S3', 'nature': 'backend', 'variables': ['enable', 'client', 's3cfg', 'bucket', 'prefix'], 'defaults': { 'enable': { 'value': "y", "description": "Enable S3 backend?", 'validator': ChoiceValidator(['y', 'n']) }, 'client': { 'value': 'aws', 'description': 'Command line tool to use for repo backup (aws|s3cmd)', 'validator': NonEmptyValidator() }, "s3cfg": { 'value': os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME',"."), '.s3cfg'), 'description': 's3cfg configuration file if s3cmd is chosen. Otherwise ignore', 'validator': NonEmptyValidator() }, 'bucket': { 'value': "", 'description': "Bucket into which the datasets are stored", 'validator': NonEmptyValidator() }, 'prefix': { "value": "git", "description": "Prefix within bucket to backup the repos", 'validator': NonEmptyValidator() }, } } elif what == 'validate': valid = True s3 = params['S3'] if params['s3']['enable'] == 'y': if params['s3']['bucket'] in ['', None]: print("Bucket cannot be empty") valid = False if params['s3']['prefix'] in ['', None]: print("Prefix within bucket cannot be empty") valid = False return valid else: s3 = params['S3'] self.enable = s3['enable'] self.client = s3.get('client', 'aws') self.s3cfg = s3.get('s3cfg', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME',"."), '.s3cfg')) self.bucket = s3.get('bucket', None) self.prefix = s3.get('prefix', None) return True
[docs] def make_hook_executable(self, filename): # Set the execute permissions st = os.stat(filename) os.chmod(filename, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
[docs] def init_repo(self, gitdir): """ Insert hook into the repo """ hooksdir = os.path.join(gitdir, 'hooks') content = postreceive_template % { 'client': self.client, 'bucket': self.bucket, 's3cfg': self.s3cfg, 'prefix': self.prefix } postrecv_filename =os.path.join(hooksdir, 'post-receive') with open(postrecv_filename,'w') as fd: fd.write(content) self.make_hook_executable(postrecv_filename) print("Wrote to", postrecv_filename)
[docs] def url_is_valid(self, url): if self.client == 'aws': cmd = ["aws", "s3", "ls", url ] else: cmd = ["s3cmd", "-c", self.s3cfg, "ls", url] output = if len(output) == 0: return False return True
[docs] def clone_repo(self, url, gitdir): if not self.url_is_valid(url): raise Exception("Invalid URL") try: os.makedirs(gitdir) except: pass print("Syncing into local directory", gitdir) with cd(gitdir): if self.client == 'aws': cmd = ["aws", "s3", "sync", '--delete', url + "/", "."] else: cmd = ["s3cmd", "-c", self.s3cfg, "sync", url + "/", "."] # print("CMD", cmd) output = #print(output) print("Sync'd dataset with s3") # Make sure that hook is has correct permissions hooksdir = os.path.join(gitdir, 'hooks') postrecv_filename =os.path.join(hooksdir, 'post-receive') if os.path.exists(postrecv_filename): self.make_hook_executable(postrecv_filename) else: self.init_repo(gitdir)
def setup(mgr): obj = S3Backend() mgr.register('backend', obj)